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NEW LOCATION: 2B Gordon St, Rozelle
(next to Sydney Community College)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

by Oscar Wilde

Adapted by Nathan Farrow

Directed by Stephen Lloyd-Coombs

Season: 6th February - 19th March 2016
Preview night 5th February
Friday and Saturday nights at 8pm
Sunday matinée at 4.30pm

The performance runs for 2 hrs 25 mins with an interval.

Dorian Gray. On the surface, a beautiful, pristine and perfect idol to gaze your eyes upon... but to those who get close to him, something much more sinister. Harry and Bas are locked in a room of their own making. Battling between what they believed and what they thought would have come. However, with the benefit of hindsight, these two mavericks of their own professions take us down the rabbit hole of just what Dorian means to so many people and why he's the difference between life and death. In an original adaption and worldwide premiere at the Genesian Theatre, see the wit, themes and ideas that Oscar Wilde explored over a century ago in another era where narcissism dictates the status quo.

DirectorStephen Lloyd-Coombs
Assistant DirectorJasper Garner Gore
Set and Costume DesignElia Bosshard
Lighting DesignRoderick Van Gelder
Sound DesignKatelyn Shaw

Stage ManagerNoemie Jounot
Lighting & Sound OperationJanina Olmos-New
Macushla McGown

DorianMichael Yore
HarryMartin Portus
BasRichard Mason
SybilEllen Wiltshire
AllisonEmilia Stubbs Grigoriou
JimLouis Cummings
AshJimmy Bai
VariousAnne Geenen

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