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Travelling North

by David Williamson

Directed by Sahn Millington

Season: 10th February - 24th March 2018
Preview night 9th February
Friday and Saturday nights at 7.30pm
Sunday matinée at 4.30pm

Running Time: 2 hours 30 mins, with a 20 min interval

Set in the late 60's, Travelling North by David Williamson sees Frank and Frances decide to desert their former lives and responsibilities in Melbourne for the tropics of Queensland. It is a love story that also looks at the issues of family, the topic of mortality, and the sheer frustrations of getting older. The play is full of warmth and humour.

Based on the true story of his mother-in-law finding new love in later life, this affectionate play is one of Williamson's best and most resonant.

DirectorSahn Millington
Assistant DirectorCarlin Hurdis
Set DesignDebbie Smith
Sahn Millington
Costume DesignCatriona McCabe
Lighting DesignMarty Gallagher
Sound DesignMehran Mortezaei

Stage ManagerHannah Dunwell
Lighting and Sound OperationJanina Olmos-New

Frank BrownDave Kirkham
FrancesJane Thorpe
SophieMegan Shooter
HelenLauren Birdsall
Gallery Attendant
Courtney Fleming
Freddy WicksPeter Irving Smith
Dr Sarah MorgensteinSandra Bass

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By arrangement with The Cameron Creswell Agency Pty Ltd