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NEW LOCATION: 2B Gordon St, Rozelle
(next to Sydney Community College)

Macbeth poster


By William Shakespeare

Directed by John Grinston

Season: 8th March - 12th April 2025
Preview night: Friday 7th March
Opening night: Saturday 8th March
Friday and Saturday nights at 7.30pm
Sunday matinée at 4.30pm

Running Time: TBD

Please read our COVID Safety Guidelines before booking or attending a performance. Face masks are strongly recommended to attend this production.

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The Genesian brings a classic text to our brand new stage: Murder, superstition and madness haunt this terrifying tale. When Macbeth meets three witches who predict he will become Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland, madess born of ambition sets in, and he and his wife seize power by all possible means, leading to murderous consequences.

DirectorJohn Grinston

Stage Manager...