Help build our new home at Rozelle!

Sponsor a Seat or Make a Donation - tax deductions available!

NEW LOCATION: 2B Gordon St, Rozelle
(next to Sydney Community College)


Watch this spot for info about auditions!

CALL TO AUDITION: Sydney - Unpaid - Community

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Directed by John Grinston

John has directed a number of successful productions for the Genesian Theatre, including Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, Sherlock Holmes and the Jersey Lily, and one of the acts of Plaza Suite earlier this year, amongst others.


Preview: Friday 7 March
Opening Night: Saturday 8 March
Performances: Every Friday / Saturday at 7.30pm, and Sunday at 4.30pm
Closing: Saturday 12 April
Bump Out: Sunday 13 April 8:00am-12:00pm
All performances at our brand new theatre, St Joseph's, 2B Gordon St, Rozelle.
Running for 17 shows, across a 6 week run.


TBC Based on cast availability
[usually 2 evenings a week, and one weekend rehearsal]
Rehearsals will be conducted at our rehearsal space in Marrickville.
Tech & Dress rehearsals take place in the “show weeks,” which are the 2 weeks before preview
[Sunday 23 Feb - Friday 7 March] - Rehearsals during these two weeks are compulsory dates for all cast and crew.


[All auditions take place on stage at our current venue: 420 Kent Street]
Sunday 10 November - 10:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday 13 November - 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday 16 November - 10:00am - 3:00pm
If needed Call Backs:
Sunday 17 November - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Other times can be arranged via appointment if needed.


All roles available; actors of all ages, ethnicities, and genders are invited to apply.
For all information on what to prepare, and to book a 15-minute audition slot, send through your CV with a headshot to: macbeth@genesiantheatre.com.au


Macbeth will be an unpaid production.
Please note the Genesian Theatre is a registered charity and amateur group. As such, this is an unpaid production; however, we strive for professional-standard production values and a great learning experience. You must be 18 and above to audition.
Actors wishing to have Agents attend are welcome to a comp ticket.

Contact Information:

For full details, visit: Genesian Theatre Auditions