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NEW LOCATION: 2B Gordon St, Rozelle
(next to Sydney Community College)

Northanger Abbey

By Jane Austen

Adapted by Matthew Francis

Directed by Carissa Teeling

Season: 9th July - 20th August 2011
Preview night 8th July
Friday and Saturday nights at 8pm
Sunday matinée at 4.30pm

If you're looking to be stimulated, entertained, or even to just relax for an evening and forget the world that lines five days of your week then I can't advise Northanger Abbey strongly enough. - Rose Hodson, Australian Stage

...a good, if quiet way to spend a wintry Saturday evening. Or any other night of the week. - Brad Syke, Crikey

Highly diverting, and I'd really recommend the theatre. - Kirribilli Kim

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Matthew Francis' adaptation of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey is a fast paced journey of the naive, novel reading heroine Catherine Morland. Catherine's journey takes us on an adventure between her fantasy world of the gothic novel Udolpho and the reality of her new societal life in Bath, where we meet characters of seemingly faithful friendships and of tragic beguiled influence.

But as these two worlds head toward an inevitable clash it is her hero Mr Tilney that awakens her to the wisdom of "we mustn't allow what we read to effect how we behave". Together with traditional Regency dancing, Venetian mask work and stage and lighting effects this play will be a delightful theatrical experience.

Director:Carissa Teeling
Assistant Director:Debbie Smith
Set Design:Owen Gimblett
Costume Design:Nicola Griggs
Lighting Design:Timothy M Carter
Sound Design:Carissa Teeling
Production Manager:Roger Gimblett

Stage Manager:Amy Roberts
Sound & Lighting Operation:Susan Lafford-Jacob
Jess Zapelli

Catherine Morland:Sam Prior
Isabella Thorpe:Tiffany C Stoecker
John Thorpe:Thomas Greader
Mrs Allen:Meg Mooney
Annette:Jane Thorpe
Henry Tilney:Ray Mainsbridge
Mrs Morland / Mrs Thorpe:Penny Day
Eleanor Tilney:Justine Kacir
James Morland:Nicholas Pond
Mr Morland:Jon Prowse
General / Montoni / Dimity:Mark Nagle

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By special arrangement with Dominie Pty Ltd