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What Santa Does Other Days of the Year

Book & Lyrics by Roger Gimblett

Music by Sally Bodkin-Allen

Directed by Shane Bates

Season: 23rd November - 8th December 2018
Friday nights at 7.30pm
Saturdays 11am & 3pm
Sundays at 4.30pm

Running Time: 75mins, including a 15 min interval

All tickets only $20!

It is the day after Christmas and Santa has received in the mail a brochure about the latest in electric sleds. While the other reindeer are off on holidays Juniper and Snowflake, who are renovating the stables due to their fear of flying, are inadvertently told by Alf the Elf that Santa has gone ahead and ordered the new electric sled.

Fearing they are facing unemployment the two Reindeer decide to take action by writing to the newspapers to tell them that Santa's visit is cancelled.

But Santa all along has had a different reason for ordering the electric sled, so, the reindeer don't go on strike and Christmas does not have to be cancelled. Santa Claus then reminds us of the real reason for Christmas.

DirectorShane Bates
Assistant DirectorJessica Hamby
Costume DesignHelen Kohlhagen
Lighting and Sound DesignMichael Schell

Stage ManagerGlen Harman
Lighting and Sound OperationRebekah Wright
Carlin Hurdis

Alf the ElfTristan Black
Santa ClausDouglas Rumble
Mrs ChristmasMelanie Robinson
Miss CalendarElizabeth MacGregor
JuniperChris Hamby
SnowflakeRosanna Hurley